
(817) 862-7557

Hey Benbrook and neighbors!

This breakthrough technology could be the key to living pain free. Come experience the powerful benefits of shockwave therapy.

  • $49 New Patient Special:

    • Consultation
    • Shockwave Discovery Treatment
    • Recovery Plan

We don't like spam (the kind you eat or get in your email) so we will respect your contact info accordingly. We will never sell your contact info. We will only use it in order to follow up regarding scheduling for an appointment in our office or an occassional useful health info email if you would like.

Breakthrough Results For People Suffering With:

Back Pain

Knee Pain

Shoulder Pain



Elbow Pain

What is Shockwave therapy?

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a highly effective and non-invasive treatment in the field of regenerative medicine.  The technology uses sound waves to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms.

  • Rapid and sustaining pain relief

  • Improves range of motion

  • Signals stem cells to treated area

  • Quick and effective treatments

  • Brings healing to chronic and acute injuries

Here's what our patient's say about us

WL Reviews 2
WL Reviews 3

We serve Benbrook, Fort Worth, and the surrounding area.

Parker Natural Health

12101 Bella Italia Dr.  Ste. A

Fort Worth, TX 76126

Disclaimer: Shockwave treatments have a high rate of success. This also means they have a low failure rate.  Parker Natural Health can not guarantee results even though the odds are in your favor.

Copyright © 2023 Parker Natural Health, PLLC.  All rights reserved.

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